Monetization, Distribution & Exit Strategies

Monetization Strategy

  • Box Office Revenue: "Sangamithra" targets significant global box office returns, leveraging its epic storyline and high production values to attract audiences worldwide.

  • Streaming and Digital Sales: Partnerships with major streaming services to ensure wide distribution post-theatrical release, including pay-per-view and digital downloads.

  • Ancillary Revenue Streams: Merchandising, licensing deals, and soundtrack sales, capitalizing on the film’s branding and cultural impact.

Distribution Strategy

  • Global Release: Staggered release dates across key international markets to maximize box office potential during peak viewing times (e.g., holidays and summer blockbuster season).

  • Localized Marketing Campaigns: Tailored marketing strategies for different regions, enhancing local audience engagement and maximizing regional revenue.

  • Strategic Partnerships: Collaborations with international distributors and media partners to ensure wide and effective coverage, increasing visibility and accessibility.

Exit Strategy for Investors

  • Token Buyback: A portion of the revenue generated will be used to buy back tokens from the market, potentially at a premium, to provide liquidity and reward early investors.

  • Secondary Market Trading: Investors can sell their tokens on secondary markets post-TGE, benefiting from potential price increases due to the film's success.

  • Revenue Sharing: Automated profit-sharing from all revenue streams directly to token holders, ensuring ongoing returns from the film’s lifetime earnings.

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