Technical and Compliance Aspects of Tokenization

Blockchain Platform:

  • Current Platform: Utilizes Ethereum for its security and compliance capabilities.

  • Future Development: Plans for multi-chain accessibility to enhance interoperability; details to be announced.

Security Measures:

  • Technology: Employs defense-grade technology for token management and distribution, ensuring top-level security.

  • Smart Contracts: Automates transactions and enforces contract terms efficiently and securely.

  • Audits: Regular external audits to maintain a secure and trustworthy platform.

Token Distribution and Trading:

  • Regulated Platform: IXSwap used for secure issuance and trading of tokens.

  • Compliance: All operations adhere strictly to regulatory standards, ensuring legal integrity.

Profit-Sharing Mechanism:

  • Automated Distribution: Partner platforms enable automated revenue distribution to token holders, promoting fairness and transparency.

  • Record Keeping: Blockchain provides clear, accessible records of distributions, ensuring transparency for all stakeholders.

Last updated