Movie Synopsis
"Sangamithra" stands as a majestic cinematic masterpiece, drawing upon the timeless allure of epic storytelling intertwined with the captivating beauty of its protagonist. Set in the 8th century AD, the film chronicles the trials and triumphs of Sangamithra, whose unparalleled beauty is matched only by her unwavering resolve to reclaim her kingdom. Alongside two valiant warriors, Sangamithra embarks on a journey fraught with peril, weaving a tale of courage, sacrifice, and redemption.
This ambitious saga unfolds on the grand canvas of the silver screen, employing modern shooting techniques and international-quality visual effects to create a visually stunning spectacle. Presented in two parts and spanning multiple languages including Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi, "Sangamithra" transcends linguistic barriers to resonate with audiences across India. Additionally, the film will be dubbed and monetized in Kannada, Malayalam, and other regional languages, broadening its reach to non-diaspora markets.
With an estimated project cost of 440 crores, pre-production work commenced in February 2016, with production slated to begin in July 2018. While the film ventures into the realm of parallel reality, revenue from this aspect is not factored into the project's finances. "Sangamithra" is poised to captivate audiences with its epic scale, immersive storytelling, and timeless themes of love, loyalty, and heroism.
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